We had the opportunity to film with two amazingly strong individuals supported by Jo Elyn Nyman Anchors Programs for Children through Hospice of Michigan and Arbor Hospice. Anchors Programs for Children exists for one reason: to support children and families facing a potentially life-limiting illness.

Most of us are familiar with hospice for elderly family members facing end of life. But more often than anyone can imagine, children and young adults also face end of life journeys. These are such overwhelming, frightening and confusing times for parents who - while clinging to the hope of a medical miracle – still must wrestle with the reality that their child is dying. It is these pediatric end of life situations that reveal the true value of hospice care - to ensure comfort while providing children and their families with the most valuable commodity - the precious gift of time – so they can create lasting memories in the time they have left.

With the support of hospice care, these young warriors often rally back in ways that are never expected.

Our first visit was with Heather Fairbanks, mother of Liam Fairbanks, 19, who passed away in August 2020. Heather shared that upon a diagnosis of brain cancer at age 16, their already tight mother-son bond strengthened. A single mother at the time, their relationship shifted to one of more serious introspection, often discussing topics that she never expected to be having so soon. But it also included great joy, laughter and typical teenage experiences.

We learned that Liam was a planner. After his diagnosis, he got out a notepad and wrote down his plans: to finish his Eagle Scout project, career goals, academic goals, nutrition goals, relationship goals, etc.

While in hospice care for seven months, Liam also had the support of a number of community organizations, including Michigan's Rainbow Connection. Through this wish-granting organization, Liam had the wonderful opportunity to forge a friendship with Mark Wahlberg, who went out of his way to visit with Liam on several occasions, including coming to his home in Michigan shortly before he died. The time we spent with Heather was both emotionally draining, as well as inspirational.

Thank you, Heather, for allowing us into your home and sharing this personal story with us.

Our next visit was with Nisha Curran, mother of Haley. One of a set of triplets, Haley was born with a condition that left her non-verbal, wheelchair-bound and in need of daily care. She came onto Anchors Programs for Children as a teenager, and while her parents were initially reluctant, they quickly embraced the broad range of services and support the hospice program offered.

Nisha explained the immense amount of care and support she and her whole family received during, and even after Haley’s passing at just 20 years old in July 2020. To this day, their family is able to utilize grief support services to address the individual needs of Haley’s sisters and her parents as they cope with their loss.

Now, Nisha is an advocate for children’s hospice, connecting with parents at Haley’s school and other schools serving children with special medical needs, talking about what Anchors Programs for Children offers and the benefits of getting hospice care sooner rather than later.

Thank you, Nisha, for sharing your personal story and for your support helping other families as they go through similar circumstances.

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